October 31


Harry F. Harlow was born.  Harlow generated several lines of influential research.  He is well-known for his studies of contact comfort and affectional bonds, learning set, curiosity motivation, and the effects of social isolation in primates.  Society of Experimental Psychologists Warren Medal, 1956; APA President, 1958; APA Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, 1960; National Medal of Science, 1967.
1925 Jose Ingenieros (born April 24, 1877) died in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He founded the Buenos Aires Institute of Criminology in 1907 and the Psychological Society in Argentina in 1908. He was elected President of the Argentine Medical Association in 1909. His two major works were Principles of Biological Psychology and The Mediocre Man.  
The Community Mental Health Centers Act (Public Law 88-164) was signed by President Kennedy.  This was the first federal legislation to support mental health facilities outside the model provided by large mental hospitals.  The act provided funds for construction and operation of community facilities across the nation.  Within 4 years, there were almost 300 such centers.
The first Educational Testing Service Award for Distinguished Service for Measurement was given to psychologist Everet F. Lindquist.
President Clinton signed into law the Social Security Act Amendments of 1994, which guaranteed licensed psychologists independent practice and reimbursement under Medicare for services provided in a hospital, where consistent with state law.