October 21

1896  Boris M. Teplov was born. Teplov's early work was in military psychology, studying the diverse subjects of camouflage and leadership. After World War II, he turned to the psychology of music, individual differences, and, most significantly, to the study of the properties of the central nervous system. 
1913  The National Vocational Guidance Association (NVGA) was organized at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Frank M. Leavitt of the University of Chicago chaired the organizing committee and was the first president of the association. The NVGA's constitution was approved during its second annual meeting, December 7-9, 1914, at Richmond, Virginia. In 1985, the NVGA became the National Career Development Association. 
1926  Nadine Lambert was born. Lambert's research in educational settings has produced understanding of hyperkinesis in children, techniques for the early identification of emotional disabilities in children, and primary prevention procedures in school settings. APA Distinguished Professional Contributions Award, 1986. 
1958  James G. March, Harold Guetzkow, and Herbert A. Simon's book Organizations was published. This book had been cited in over 950 other works by 1979 and was featured that year as a citation classic in the journal Current Contents
1974  The APA's Division 2 (Teaching of Psychology) first published its journal, Teaching of Psychology. Robert S. Daniel was the journal's editor. 
1991  A series of public lectures sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution and the APA began. The series, titled New Psychological Findings on the Mysteries of the Life Cycle: From Infancy to Maturity, honored the 100th anniversary of the APA. Speakers were Lewis Lipsitt, Jerome Kagan, John Conger, Amado Padilla, Daniel Levinson, Laura Brown, Anderson Dodd Smith, and Bernice Neugarten.