
Today in the History of Psychology

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Saved by Bill Altman
on January 4, 2020 at 9:50:41 pm

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Today in the History of Psychology is a resource, organized in calendar format, for highlighting significant events in the history of psychology. It is a helpful tool for both students and instructors. The goal of this resource is to provide an interactive online hub for information about events and people that helped shape the discipline. 



Today in the History of Psychology, originally developed by Warren Street,  began as a calendar to commemorate meaningful and interesting events in the history of psychology (see a brief history of Today in the History of Psychology written by Warren Street). The Society for the Teaching of Psychology now maintains this resource to help provide students of psychology insights into the events that shaped the field. A brief summary of the additions to the resource can be found on the Update Report page.


How to Use

Content is organized by day. To find events for a particular day, open the Search by Month folder in the Navigator window to the right. Open the folder for the month you are interested in and then select the day. Another way to use this resource is to search by name using the search bar in the top right corner of this page. For instance, if you search "Stroop" you will get the following search results:


Become a Contributor

If you would like to contribute information to Today in the History of Psychology, email Chris Koch (ckoch@georgefox.edu) to become a writer.


You can then click on either date to read the entire entry.


Today in the History of Psychology News

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, a number of updates were made to Today in the History of Psychology. Over 20 entries and links have been added to recognize key Hispanic contributors to the field of psychology. To explore these editions, search for the following names.

  • Martha Bernal
  • Santiago Ramon y Cajal
  • Olivia Espin
  • John Garcia
  • Efrain Sanchez Hidalgo
  • Jose Ingenieros
  • George I. Sanchez
  • Melba Vasquez
  • Ena Vazquez-Nuttall
  • Juan Luis Vives



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